Latin American dances
The latina is the most popular, incendiary dancing style synthesized from set national Latin American, and also standardized ball European dances. Perfectly approaches both for parties latino, and for execution under not Latin American club music.
The aesthetics of a club latina is not limited to fervent movements in a rhythm which allow you to show bright features of temperament on a dancing. The club latina is also harmony of a sensual melody: the refined lyricism, the dramatic nature slightly opening in dance your most secret experiences and emotions.
The latina includes the brightest sexual movements Cuban points, cheerful inclinations of the samba, the well-known rhythm cha-cha-cha and other elements of popular dances of South America. Besides the latina includes also movements of Spanish pasodoblia - the dance simulating by corrida. Is in her and swing cheerfulness superfast American Jiv.
From naturally - sensual Latin American dances the latina has inherited sexual character, and the club aesthetics has made a latina very vigorous. Playful, fervent dance has turned out, he has quickly subordinated to itself dancing youth and became an integral part of musical priest - culture.